10 Architects Behind WWE's Demise
1. Vince McMahon
Every preceding point made on this list was approved, endorsed, and in many cases dictated by Vince McMahon.
When they say that Vince loves competition, they're not saying he thrives the moment a new promoter draws a few hundred extra punters through the door. Vince is ruthless and pig-headed more than he is a big match performer. If challenged, he will destroy. Gladly and with no compunction. He relishes competition in that sense, but he is also locked in a competition of sorts with his fanbase. Getting Roman Reigns over has long since felt like a personal challenge, and not an investment selected through prescient genius. He's not Gedo. He doesn't see that which we cannot. He's laser-focused on proving us wrong.
Something strange happened to Vince over the years that is difficult to articulate. The perception of the man as somebody who loathes wrestling was always inaccurate. His vision was cartoonish and not sporting and all that, but Christ he was once so amazing at this.
Cognitive decay, the loss of the will and or the love, whatever: the inconsistent, uncool, eerily artificial product - it's so contradictory at times that it's as if he is in unwitting competition with a two week-old version of himself - is creatively bankrupt trash.