10 Articles You Won't Believe WWE.com Once Posted!

2. Posting TNA Results

Hardy Tana
Anthem Sports & Entertainment

In the mid-noughties WWE tried to get ahead of the dirt sheets and make itself a reliable outlet for inside industry news when it amazingly posted results of its competitors’ events on its own website. WWE.com were attempting a trial of making its own website a source of all news and results for all wrestling to gain more web traffic. They would essentially copy and paste results from TNAWrestling.com. At the time TNA was seen as having much potential to one day oppose WWE so it’s surprising WWE would post TNA Impact results, but it did to the disbelief of everyone.

It was hard to comprehend you were on WWE.com at the time when you would read results like ‘A.J. Styles won a Gold Medal Challenge against Kurt Angle’ or ‘Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash beat Team 3D, but the decision was reversed by the referee to give Team 3D the win’.

It’s odd looking back with hindsight given a lot of the results featured many of WWE’s future stars like AJ Styles and Samoa Joe. Just don’t expect WWE.com to post AEW results anytime soon. It’s learnt its lesson.

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Jeff Hardy
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Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.