10 Attitude Era Feuds Bret Hart Missed Out On

1. Ken Shamrock

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zA9xh4mOp0U Ken Shamrock was a world-class athlete who arrived in the WWE in 1997 as 'The World's Most Dangerous Man'. He earned that title whilst working in the UFC, and Shamrock's inter-sport dominance brought mixed-martial arts to a whole new audience, paving the way for stars like Brock Lesnar and Batista to later cross over to the MMA world. However, Shamrock never really achieved his full potential in professional wrestling; he was given the Intercontinental Championship, Tag Team Championship, and the King of the Ring title, but never the company's top belt. This can probably be attributed to bad timing; Stone Cold Steve Austin was skyrocketing in popularity, and The Clique (the name given to the backstage group involving Shawn Michaels and Triple H, among others) were politically dominating the WWE at the time. The Undertaker and Mankind were also high up on the list of WWE priorities, and the likes of The Rock were being seen as potential superstars of the future. Shamrock failed to fit into the equation, even though he was a trained fighter who could legitimately beat most of the guys on the roster, he was never given the main event push he deserved. The perfect guy for him to have faced would've been Hart. In a contest that could've mirrored the Cena/Lesnar rivalry going on at the moment, the storyline 'face' of the company could've been utterly decimated by a former UFC guy, and had to completely regroup and rethink his entire career. It would've been extremely compelling to see Hart in a do-or-die situation of a rivalry with Shamrock, whilst the WWE title would've looked great around Shamrock's waist.
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Bret Hart
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