10 Attitude Era Feuds Bret Hart Missed Out On

2. Triple H

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsYHFi6OmGA One of the (many) problems that a lot of WWE fans have with Triple H is his part in the Montreal Screwjob. The infamous night that saw Bret Hart crossed by Vince McMahon, Shawn Michaels, and Earl Hebner has gone down in history as one of the most controversial incidents in wrestling history. While Hart may have made his peace with almost everyone involved in the incident, there's never been any real public making-up with Triple H. The two men never really had a lot to do with each other during Hart's in-ring career, and it was only as he and Michaels saw their rivalry come to head that HBK's D-Generation X cohort got involved. Hunter was frequently involved in segments involving his teammate and the Hitman, so it would've only been logical that Hart moved onto the King of Kings had he stayed in the WWE. With Michaels' injury problems forcing him out of action not long after Montreal, Triple H took over as DX leader, and it's reasonable to assume that Hart would've progressed onto Michaels' replacement. Their in-ring styles were complimentary towards each other, and both men could've had classics in the late '90s/early '00s. Triple H was still a couple of years from being at a true main event level, and working with Bret Hart could've helped him enormously towards becoming the face of the company - a title that often belonged to someone else during his career.
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