10 Attitude Era WWE Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

7. Brakkus

Brakkus WWE

Brakkus was walking erm...talking proof that muscles mean nothing in wrestling if muscles are all one has. The German bodybuilder would've turned heads when he walked in the room (if he could even fit through doors), but he lacked any and all basic fundamentals during a forgettable 1996-1998 run.

Vince McMahon definitely pointed out how much vascularity Brakkus had to at least one backstage staffer. After all, the muscle mountain was a McMahon dream, but no amount of bicep curls or bodybuilding posedowns could ever get the newbie over. In-ring, he was awful, and promos weren't going to be a strong point either.

Brakkus actually debuted pre-Attitude in '96, then had a layover in ECW before returning for another crack in '98. He'd take part in the infamous 'Brawl For All' tournament before squashing some lower tier workers and vanishing from screens. Vince's pet project had been a flop. It turns out having shoulders like boulders wasn't enough.

Who knew?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.