10 Attitude Era WWE Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

3. Sniper

Brakkus WWE

Eagle eyes will spot Bull Buchanan and Kurrgan in The Truth Commission above, but the other two gents may be more of a mystery. That's the Commandant leading the charge at the front. The other fella? Say hello to Sniper. He was Buchanan/Recon's regular tag-team partner on TV between late 1997-early 1998.

He's perfect for misfit collections like this one.

Sniper only worked one televised singles match during his spell in the WWF. That came vs. Ken Shamrock on the 16 February '98 episode of Raw. Looking back, it's kinda surprising that he lasted over five minutes before being jobbed out. On paper, that one looked like a 90-second squash at best. Nah, Sniper got his licks in.

His performances in the Commission wouldn't lead to anything more though. Snipes was released in April, and he'd return to the CWA in Germany. He'd been a champion there before, so that wasn't the worst gig in the world. Still, Sniper surely wished the WWF had another gimmick in mind for him during the Attitude Era.

It wasn't to be.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.