10 Attitude Era WWE Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

2. Key

Brakkus WWE

Pictured above: Gangrel if he was a drug dealer, not a vampire.

On/off ECW star Vic Grimes played "Key". He debuted on Raw in July 1999, then wrestled just one TV match on the 14 August edition of Shotgun. There, Key, Droz and Prince Albert beat three enhancement workers in a six-man tag. An injury to The Godfather pushed Vic's...push and only storyline off the table afterwards.

Reportedly, Al Snow recommended that Grimes needed more seasoning, so he was sent to ECW to better his ring skills. The Key character was roundly ignored on television by the WWF once it disappeared too - Godfather moved on to other things when he returned from the sidelines, then joined Right To Censor.

The fact this entry has spent so much time talking about other wrestlers is deliberate. There really isn't that much to say about Key. He was one of the most short-lived gimmicks in WWE history, and that was probably for the best considering he was a grappling pusher.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.