10 Awesome Angles For Stone Cold Steve Austin's WWE Return

2. Steve Austin Vs Vince McMahon 2.0

The biggest money drawing feud in wrestling history wasn't Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes, Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant, or John Cena vs. Internet Fans...it was Steve Austin vs. Vince McMahon. McMahon was the best heel in wrestling for a number of years. The hatred that crowds felt for McMahon could almost be felt through the television screen and the reaction when Steve Austin would floor him was like nothing ever seen before in wrestling. McMahon played the rich, spoiled boss who was used to getting his way. McMahon represented everything that was wrong about America. Steve Austin, on the other hand, played the working class man who was sick of getting pushed around and decided to punch his boss in the mouth and show him who was really in charge. It was spectacular television and every week viewers would watch in record numbers to see what would happen next. In 2014, Austin and McMahon are older. They aren't as spry as they once were and McMahon is way too old to work a match. However, there is still money to be made with a McMahon vs. Austin feud renewal. Since enough time has passed since they last met, the confrontation would feel fresher and not be nearly as stale as towards the end of Austin's first run. McMahon could make Austin's life a living Hell with backstage vignettes and throw obstacles in his way. Austin could bring back the Hell raising to Raw and introduce a new generation of fans to how unpredictable the Monday night show used to be.

Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.