10 Awesome Angles For Stone Cold Steve Austin's WWE Return

7. Steve Austin Enters The Royal Rumble

Austin has never been a friend to authority, so why would it make sense for him to immediately get a main event match after being absent for over ten years? Wouldn't the Authority want to make it as hard as possible on their old nemesis, thus requiring him to enter the Royal Rumble to earn a match at WrestleMania? This one is a long shot because it requires Austin to presumably work two matches: The Royal Rumble itself and then the resulting WrestleMania match. Obviously, Austin is not coming back to be world champion but his return could provide drama to the Rumble that hasn't been seen in years. The Royal Rumbles the past few years have been good but predictable. Last year's edition featured the Pittsburgh crowd completely turning on the match and booing the eventual winner, Batista, out of the building. The crowd reaction totally overshadowed Roman Reigns breaking the elimination record and forced a rushed Batista heel turn. Imagine if Austin was fighting for one last day in the sun. If the Royal Rumble was his last chance at a WrestleMania main event and the evil Authority was determined not to let that happen. Austin could enter later in the match (around number 20) to reduce his time in the ring but the drama would be high. Austin doesn't have to win the Rumble to make an impact but his participation would provide the Royal Rumble with some star power that it has been sorely lacking.

Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.