10 Awesome (But Short-Lived) WWE Theme Songs

8. Hallelujah [Rock Mix] (Damien Sandow)

Remember when Damien Sandow was one of the hottest organic babyfaces on the WWE roster? Yeah, that was a nice couple of months.

Unsurprisingly enough, WWE dropped the ball hard with Sandow after he got himself over huge by impersonating The Miz. After his and Curtis Axel's run as the "Meta Powers" ended prematurely following the release of Hulk Hogan's infamous racist rant, he became a completely directionless low-card face act.

But at least he had a terrific entrance theme.

Remixing George Frideric Handel's "Hallelujah," which Sandow famously used as the "Intellectual Savior of the Masses," CFO$ gifted Sandow with a certifiable hidden gem of an entrance theme. It's a "hidden gem," of course, because Sandow was released soon after adopting it.

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He/him/his. Born in 1992. Lifetime native of Massachusetts. Part-time columnist. Aspiring actor/singer. Black Belt. Twitch Affiliate. Drinks iced coffee all year round. Loves pro-wrestling and MMA.