10 Awesome Moments From WCPW Loaded Episode 2
Jay Lethal was seriously impressed with El Ligero...

On the second episode of WCPW Loaded, General Manager Adam Pacitti opened proceedings by announcing that the Piledriver was now a banned move in the company. Last week's debut episode was marred with the visual of Rampage Brown viciously hitting the move on an unfortunate security member. Pacitti claimed the heavy suffered a broken neck as a result of Brown's rage.
The decision to ban the Piledriver wasn't a popular one with watching fans, but Pacitti admirably held his nerve to uphold the letter of the law. Any ill-feeling from the audience was then quickly dispatched when they realised the quality of matches on offer.
Drake vs. Primate, Joe Hendry and Joseph Conners vs. Prince Ameen and Gabriel Kidd, Noam Dar vs. Rampage Brown and El Ligero vs. Jay Lethal were all jam-packed onto the one show. In the latter, it was all about Ligero proving he deserved a shot at Lethal's ROH World Championship.
Those matches didn't provide all of the 'awesome' moments, there was also one hilarious item introduced by King Ross on commentary.
Watch the show for yourself HERE and look at the best from Episode 2 of WCPW Loaded...
10. Intense & Bloody Start To The Opening Match

Represented by Suzie of WhatCulture's youtube renown, The Primate is exactly the kind of pro wrestler every manager or valet dreams about. Intense and uncompromising, he even took time to intimidate the audience by standing on the ring apron looking like a complete monster. By contrast, Drake appears more of a cerebral type.
Later in the night, he was accosted by James R. Kennedy, with the manager seemingly looking to bring the best out in Drake. The wrestler needed a pick-me-up, especially after a supremely physical battle against The Primate. From the opening bell, both men held nothing back, charging straight into a blur of testosterone and suplexes.
Incredibly, both Drake and Primate bled during their match. That's hardly a surprise, given the physicality on offer. To hell with being the referee in this one! Primate bled from the mouth, whereas Drake's head and neck were completely soaked in plasma, likely due to the range of suplexes dished out by his opponent.
This was a red hot start to the wrestling portion of the show, showing that it's not only the Piledriver GM Pacitti needs to worry about.