10 Awesome Spots From WWE Money In The Bank 2014

4. Cesaro and Sheamus Dangle Precariously

Wrestling Giffer / TumblrWrestling Giffer / TumblrIn the so-called "Reality Era", kayfabe is wafer-thin. There are very few wrestling fans who don't know that the action unfolding in front of them is scripted and pre-determined to be as entertaining as possible. As such, it's pretty rare for a spot to feel genuinely and legitimately dangerous. That is exactly what happened, however, during the Money in the Bank main event. Sheamus and Cesaro were battling for the briefcase at the top of a ladder when Roman Reigns lifted it from the base in a tremendous display of strength. This sent the ladder tumbling towards the turnbuckle with Cesaro looking set for a very bumpy and potentially career-ending fall, only to save himself by dangling from a high rung by one hand. It was a perfect showcase for Cesaro's power and added a feel of genuine danger to a bout that often felt a bit more choreographed than the contract ladder match earlier in the show.

Freelance film journalist and fan of professional wrestling. Usually found in a darkened screening room looking for an aisle seat and telling people to put away their mobile phones. Also known to do a bit of stand-up comedy, so I'm used to the occasional heckle.