10 Awesome Tag Teams WWE Completely Ruined

9. La Résistance

la resistance

No, Sylvain Grenier was not the best in-ring worker you're ever likely to see. The same could actually be said for René Duprée, but both guys were young, looked good and had a workable gimmick; although the arrogant Frenchmen idea did rely on national stereotypes, it was hard not to enjoy how over-the-top La Résistance played it.

Like a modern-day version of The Fabulous Rougeaus, Grenier and Duprée walked, talked, and wrestled like a traditional tag-team. There was always going to be scope for Duprée striking out on his own (he was the more talented of the team), but WWE dropped the ball by not abandoning the entire gimmick once that happened.

In order to prepare for René's eventual split, the writers drafted in Rob Conway as an American serviceman who had turned his back on the USA to sympathise with France. Overnight, the entire appeal of La Résistance was ruined by the unnecessary addition of a non-French wrestler.

If you're gonna' do xenophobic gimmicks, at least do them correctly.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.