10 Awesome TNA Moments Everyone Forgets

2. Those Early X-Division Matches

TNA X Division 3 Immediately, one of the nuances which helped differentiate TNA from WWE was the creation of the X-Division. Men such as Low-Ki, AJ Styles, Amazing Red and Jerry Lynn were all key to making the division stand out, and they managed to do that and then some during the early years of the promotion's existence. During those early shows, TNA ran weekly Pay-Per-View events, designed to cliffhanger onto the next and try to entice people to part with their cash to see where the story was going. It was a unique concept, one that ultimately wouldn't work, but that doesn't mean there weren't great moments during those formative months. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCSHPWH8d90 Beforehand, Cruiserweight-style matches had been highlighted by North American promotions, but rarely had they been the focal point. TNA shifted things a little by featuring the X-Division Title in main events, encouraging announcers Mike Tenay and Don West to go crazy behind the desk at the breath-taking action they were seeing.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.