10 Awesome TNA Moments Everyone Forgets

1. Kurt Angle Debuts

Released by WWE in 2006, Kurt Angle made his way to TNA, and the switch was treated like a sure sign that the Orlando-based promotion were headed in a positive direction. Angle had been one of WWE's top stars for years, but it's somewhat stunning to think that he's now been with TNA for far longer than he ever was WWE. Anticipation was building for Angle's first appearance under the TNA banner, and it wouldn't disappoint. Crash-landing on Impact in October, 2006, the former Olympic Gold Medal winner confronted Samoa Joe, and the building lost its collective mind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1wre7Q-B_c Looking motivated and eager to show the world that no amount of injuries or personal problems could prevent him from being a wrestling machine, Angle entered the ring and decked Joe with a well-placed head-butt, before hitting him with an Olympic Slam, signalling his intention to go for the NWA Title. What other over-looked moments do you feel TNA deserve more credit for? Do you agree with the choices on this list? Let us know down in the comments section below!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.