10 Awesome TNA Moments Everyone Forgets

8. Christian Cage Debuts

In WWE, Christian was perceived as a superb tag-team wrestler, and a valuable member of the mid-card pack. Despite eventually capturing the World Heavyweight Championship and having a few brief flirtations with the main event scene, the Canadian has seemingly never been taken all that seriously by WWE management as a top line guy. Fans enjoy his work, feeling he routinely puts on some of the best matches on the card, but that's not enough for Vince McMahon and the other higher-ups in WWE, who have never really viewed Christian as someone who can draw money. Leaving the company for the first time in 2005, Christian would sign for TNA quickly, making his debut under his old ring name on the independent circuit, 'Christian Cage'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmWrENQ2KAE Winning the NWA Title at the Against All Odds show in February, 2006, Cage would remain with TNA until late-2008, when it became clear that he was once again WWE-bound. There's no doubt about it, Christian was fantastic throughout his run in TNA, showing WWE what they were missing.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.