10 Awesome TNA Moments Everyone Forgets

7. Mr. Anderson vs. Kurt Angle (LockDown 2010)

The idea of the 'LockDown' Pay-Per-View was to promote the show as an event during which every single match took place within the confines of a Steel Cage. WWE have been blamed for diluting the importance of the 'Hell In A Cell' showcase by naming a PPV after the bout, but TNA beat them to the hop in 2005 with the invention of LockDown. Thankfully, TNA's show has always been largely entertaining - it's fair to say that TNA officials have let their performers do their own thing, by and large, over the years, and that comes across with the freedom prevalent during the LockDown events. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxfDI3-FhVs Known as Mr. Kennedy in WWE, Ken Anderson made his way to TNA in early-2010, and would engage in a feud opposite Kurt Angle shortly afterwards. Piecing together one of the best cage matches in company history, Angle and Anderson tore the house down at LockDown 2010. Credit where credit is due, both these guys beat the snot out of each other to try and put TNA on the map.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.