10 Awesome TNA Moments Everyone Forgets

5. Desmond Wolfe's Short Run

The story of Steven Haworth, better known to pro wrestling fans as Nigel McGuinness, is a sad one. Contracting Hepatitis B during his TNA tenure, the man had earlier been cruelly denied what seemed like a certain contract with WWE, who felt he wasn't fit due to a bicep injury. Retiring from the industry he loves and kissing goodbye to his dream must have been a difficult and bitter pill for Haworth to swallow, but a lot of folks forget he had a short, yet utterly dynamic stint with TNA as Desmond Wolfe. Arrogant and self-assured, the Wolfe gimmick suited Haworth down to a tee, he was able to show so much personality in the role, and it never detracted from his actual in-ring work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBLCHF1AM-k Having been a world class performer in companies such as ROH for years, Wolfe was ready for a big break, but had to make do with a short run with TNA instead. Even though it wasn't what he necessarily wanted, and wouldn't last all that long, the guy can point to a series of matches with Kurt Angle as evidence he had what it took to be at the top of the industry.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.