10 Awesome TNA Moments Everyone Forgets

6. AJ Styles vs. Abyss (LockDown 2005)

Speaking of LockDown, the first ever event going under the name is arguably still the best one that TNA have ever promoted. There was a lot of excitement amongst wrestling fans about where TNA were headed at the time, with the feeling being that the promotion could genuinely become an alternative to what WWE were presenting. At LockDown 2005, matches such as Jeff Hardy vs. Raven, Christopher Daniels vs. Elix Skipper, and America's Most Wanted vs. Team Canada were all fantastic, but nothing could top the main event of the show. Facing one another in a #1 contenders match for the NWA Title, AJ Styles and Abyss stole the show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaTOX_q__Hk At this point in his career, AJ Styles was considered TNA's first genuine home grown star, which is something he would never really grow out of with the company. Even years later, people were still talking about AJ's potential, rather than looking at him as a company veteran. Before all that however, Styles and Abyss put on a complete war of a cage bout, one which is often over-looked.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.