10 Awesome Wrestlers Who Had No Chemistry Together

8. The Rock And The Undertaker

Individually, The Rock and The Undertaker have had fantastic matches against a wide range of opponents. For example, both have produced magic with Steve Austin, and the same can be said of Triple H. Meanwhile, The Rock weaved sheer awesomeness with Chris Jericho, and Undertaker was a tremendous fit for working against Shawn Michaels. Somehow, even though they are amongst the greatest names to ever grace a WWE ring, Rocky and 'Taker haven't been dynamite together. They have had decent bouts, but that's not what is being explored here. For such a noteworthy combination, they really should have been creating some of the best matches fans had ever seen, not treading water in plodding collisions repeatedly. That wasn't the case, it was almost as though there was a clash of styles whenever they matched up. Adding Kurt Angle into proceedings helped at Vengeance 2002, but a 1999 King Of The Ring title match and several others on Raw and Smackdown didn't spark quite as mightily as they arguably should have. The two legends also had a real stinker at No Way Out 2002, when it was clear that the Dead Man was struggling.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.