10 Awesome Wrestlers Who Had No Chemistry Together

4. Rick Rude And Jake Roberts

The WrestleMania IV WWF Heavyweight Title tournament is a little like Marmite. Some people absolutely love it, and others get a bad taste in their mouths absolutely any time it's mentioned. One of the reasons for the latter is that a surely-guaranteed stunner between 'Ravishing' Rick Rude and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts didn't live up to the billing. In fact, it was a bore and a snore. In fairness to both men, they were saddled with the 15-minute draw idea. The WWF had to find ways to eliminate some of the 14 men in the tournament, and it was decreed that Rude and Roberts would go to a time limit stalemate, thus eliminating both from the brackets. It was a simple way to do things, but holy heck was it ever slow-paced and dull. Roberts and Rude were dynamic performers, but they didn't mesh well at all in the match. Later in October, 1988, they also had a relatively average bout on an edition of Saturday Night's Main Event, proving that they were just weren't a good fit. There was no spark there, even though the storyline called for Rude to hit on Jake's wife at the time. That was the only exciting thing about their meetings, unfortunately.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.