10 Awesome Wrestlers With Terrible Finishing Moves

7. Edge (Spear)

Edge was a talented and highly entertaining superstar before he was forced to retire prematurely through injury. He was as good in the ring as he was on the microphone and he had some epic matches over the years. He had several finishing moves, including the Edgecator and the Edgecution, but most prominently in his singles career he would end matches with a simple spear. The spear is a powerful move when executed well - particularly by someone with the build of Rhino - but Edge's spear was terrible. He wasn't built correctly to give it its full effect, he didn't really hit his opponents hard enough and he often seemed to only make contact with his arm, rather than his shoulder. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzoy9hg9zPg
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.