10 Awesome Wrestling Moves WWE Stars Aren't Allowed To Do

5. Brock Lesnar's Shooting Star Press

The Shooting Star Press definitely isn't banned outright in WWE. Evan Bourne did it all the time prior to his 2014 departure, whilst Neville performs what is perhaps an even more dangerous variation of it nearly every single match.

Brock Lesnar's version, though, hasn't gotten an airing since that fateful night in March 2003, when the 'Next Big Thing' nearly killed himself attempting to hit one on Kurt Angle in WrestleMania XIX's main event (and, at the very least, woke up the next day with the mother of all headaches).

And that's obviously not a coincidence. After all, Lesnar's pulled it off several times during his time in developmental - and it was only after his mega-botch that he (or, perhaps more likely, someone above him) decided that enough was enough.

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