10 Awesome Wrestling Moves WWE Stars Aren't Allowed To Do

4. Punt

Seth Rollins Curb Stomp

Randy Orton's punt has been teased a few times over the last few years - 'The Viper' is a self-admitted psychopath after all, so you can hardly expect him to give up one of his biggest weapons - but we haven't seen it connect for at least four or five years.

Where other moves on this list are legitimately dangerous, this one is more about sidestepping any potential PR pot-holes than it is protecting wrestlers.

It might, conceivably, result in serious injury, of course: Orton could easily catch his opponent square in the temple if he mistimed his kick.

But it's mainly because the prospect of little ones - who lack Randy's trademark restraint - recreating the move on the school playground is, well, a little horrifying.

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