10 Awesome WWE Groups That Didn't Get Enough Time

4. Balor Club

FTRKO The Revival Randy Orton

The OC got a major push before the release of Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson in April, but they were more comedic and didn’t have the aura that the pairing of AJ Styles and The Good Brothers should have had. A very fun group that fulfilled its purpose, but they were no Balor Club.

Balor Club really barely had any time whatsoever, a few weeks on Raw of backstage segments, a few televised matches, nothing on a PPV. It was seemingly forgotten about immediately, as Finn Balor was pushed into the Intercontinental scene and Gallows and Anderson disappeared into Main Event tapings and house show losses. Yet, for those few weeks, it felt really important and potentially major for all three men.

There was this coolness to Balor in late 2017, especially following the AJ Styles match at TLC. A burial from Kane damaged his booking but not his charisma, and the reaction online when Balor Club seemed to finally be happening was major. It was electrifying stuff that could have brought Finn back to the main event if handled properly. Instead, it will always be a “what if?” scenario.


An autistic writer who just wants to make some money and have some fun talking about wrestling, movies and whatever else comes to mind.