10 Awful Injuries Which Led To Amazing WWE Matches

2. Mick Foley Damn Near Dies Doing What He Loves - King Of The Ring '98

Mick Foley is one of the most beloved wrestlers of the Attitude Era, known not only for his creative and death-defying matches but for the unbelievable toughness that got him through them.

It's easy to argue his most memorable injuries came during his Hell in a Cell match at King of the Ring '98 during his now-legendary match with The Undertaker.

The first came after both men climbed the cell and then, in a scripted spot, 'Taker threw Foley off the cage, where he landed on an announce table. Foley dislocated his shoulder, punctuated by Jim Ross' heartfelt assertions that Mick was broken in half.

Incredibly, Foley got back up and he and 'Taker climbed the cage again. This time, after being chokeslammed, Foley crashed through the roof of the cage, falling to the ring below and being struck by pieces of metal. This fall wasn't planned, and the look on 'Taker's face as he stares down at Foley in the ring speaks volumes.

Despite legitimately looking dead, Foley 'only' suffered: concussion, two lost teeth, dislocated jaw, bruised kidney, and a hole in his lip. Unbelievably, Foley got up and finished the match by being chokeslammed again onto hundreds of thumbtacks and pinned.

The match cemented both men as legends thanks to Foley's selflessness.

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Child of the Canadian '80s. Fan of Star Wars, Marvel (films), DC (animated films), WWE, classic cartoons. Enjoys debating with his two teenage sons about whether hand-drawn or computer animation is better but will watch it all anyways. Making ongoing efforts to catalogue and understand all WhatCulture football references.