10 Awful Wrestling Commentary Calls That Took Away From The Moment

4. Is It Murder Or Theatre? (WrestleMania XV)

Michael Cole

The Attitude Era was anything if it wasn’t boundary-pushing. Everything from pimps, porn stars and Prince Albert graced our screens - but even the WWF couldn’t really turn an unexpected public hanging into compelling television.

At WrestleMania XV, The Undertaker and Big Bossman took part in a lumbering Hell in a Cell contest that was essentially a RAW match with some mild fence rubbing thrown in for good measure. In an attempt to deliver a moment worthy of the event, the WWF had a brainwave; the Brood were booked to help Undertaker hang The Bossman as the Cell was raised back up to the ceiling.

As the images of a flush-faced Bossman filled the screen, Michael Cole repeatedly asked:

“Is this symbolic, King?”

The insistence on this line took away from any morbid imagery, as it only raised more questions about the sheer barrier between reality and performance in wrestling. There was no other alternative to this being symbolic - yet Cole’s questioning stemmed any thoughts percolating in the viewers own minds.

To make matters even worse, this was the second awful call from Cole during the match as earlier in the night, in which he said:

"That Cell is dangerous... you could get a finger caught in there."

I, Tom the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you! Norfolk based wrestling and movie fan with a tendency to love the ludicrous. You can follow me on twitter @marriott118 and tell me why I am wrong, wrong, WRONG!