10 Awful Wrestling Commentary Calls That Took Away From The Moment

5. Unnecessary Insults (Various)

Michael Cole

Unfortunately, this is a problem spanning decades with a multitude of undeserving targets finding themselves in the crosshairs. Wrestling has a long, sad history of using its announcers to take shots at people who those behind the scenes have a problem with.

In the case of WWE we have seen Jim Ross, Lillian Garcia and Vickie Guerrero treated as punchlines for unnecessary and often offensive quips that add nothing to the product. Recently, the commentary teams themselves have been involved with in fighting that has spilled over from healthy back and forth, contrasting opinions to nothing but annoying, schoolyard point scoring.

WCW were guilty of showing its ugly side with Ed Ferrara's J.R parody character – Oklahoma, rightly considered one of the worst things to happen to wrestling commentary. Ferrara screamed random words as Cruiserweights and Superstars tried to put on the best show they could for fans while, at every turn, their craft was reduced to farce.

Wrestling commentary is not a platform to air grievances or to make fun of someone who cannot defend themselves. At its core, it's a genre device to allow fans to better engross themselves within the product. Whenever an announcer breaks away from the action on screen to take a cheap shot, we as fans feel cheap by association.


I, Tom the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you! Norfolk based wrestling and movie fan with a tendency to love the ludicrous. You can follow me on twitter @marriott118 and tell me why I am wrong, wrong, WRONG!