10 Awkward Wrestling BOTCHES Hidden In Plain Sight

5. Chris Jericho's Cigar Almost Got AEW Dynamite Pulled

Kayla Braxton Roman Reigns Thumb

Then-AEW World Champion Chris Jericho didn't just enjoy a little bit of the bubbly back in his early All Elite days, he also openly savoured a smoke on national TV.

But it was that willingness to take a certain cigar chance on Dynamite in the lead-up to Full Gear 2019 that very nearly saw the new Wednesday night show being pulled by the folks at WarnerMedia.

That's according to 'Le Champion' himself, who explained in 2021 to Stephanie Chase how the visual of him puffing on a cigar as the Inner Circle beat up Cody Rhodes' brother Dustin seriously irked those paying the big bucks to keep All Elite Wrestling on the air.

And while you could argue that AEW has chucked way more offensive content out into the world than the sight of a veteran having a quick smoke, those higher-ups were clearly less than impressed with Jericho's smokin' attempts to present himself as an a-hole.

What initially seemed like a pretty standard heelish move secretly turned out to be an almost catastrophic botch from Jericho, and one that may have resulted in the end of Dynamite if he'd insisted on repeatedly pulling out a Cuban.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...