10 Bad-Ass ECW Gimmicks Wasted On Terrible Wrestlers

6. Rhino

It's always good to have a couple "monsters" on a wrestling roster. That line of thinking has proven to be successful time and time again through the years. They make for good "attractions" on the roster, and can be used in a variety of ways all throughout the card, from comedic faces to main event heels. Rhino played that role for ECW, running through the entire roster on his way to a ECW World Title victory in 2001. Yes, it was in the company's final days (Rhino was the champion went the company went bankrupt and stopped operations), but it was a World Title reign nonetheless. He was very limited in the ring, but his matches were crafted in ways that he didn't have to be Lou Thesz to get his point across. Even then, though, there was something... off... about his character, but it wasn't until he showed up in the WWF that people started putting it together. At 5'10" and 275 pounds, he was only a "monster" because he was in ECW, generally facing opponents that were very small compared to what mainstream fans were used to seeing. That height and weight combination means that he's the same height as someone like Daniel Bryan and weighs the same as someone like The Rock or Triple H did during the Attitude Era. In ECW, that's a "monster". In the WWF, he looked more like a chubby short guy, especially when people like The Undertaker, Kane, and Big Show were walking around. You could argue and say it isn't fair to include him here, but it fits the criteria. He's never been very good in the ring, only capable of short bursts of in-ring action, especially handicapped if he isn't in some sort of hardcore match, but the gimmick is something fun.
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Columnist/Podcaster/Director at LordsOfPain.net for nearly seven years, with nearly 2000 total columns written. Interviewed and/or involved in interviewing the likes of Tyler Black/Seth Rollins (twice), Diamond Dallas Page, Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, Uhaa Nation and more.