10 Bad-Ass WWE Gimmicks Wasted On Terrible Wrestlers

6. The Boogeyman

Boogeyman The Boogeyman is something that should be able to terrify everyone. That could make for quite the heel gimmick, as the "embodiment of terror" comes to the ring and destroys people, and then disappears into the night. Instead, what we got was campy, over-the-top, silly, more comical than terrifying, and all of it was wrapped up in a package by an atrocious in-ring worker. It's great that Marty Wright (the man behind the gimmick) is alright with being weird on television, dancing like a fool, and snacking on live worms and mud. It's honorable that he would be willing to do all of that for a wrestling gimmick. It would have been even more honorable if he was willing to learn how to wrestle, too. To be fair, he was 41 years old when he debuted in the gimmick, and had less than a year of wrestling training at the time, so WWE deserves a lot of the ridicule for it, too. He really had no business being in the spot he was in, including a WrestleMania 22 victory over Booker T in under four minutes (Boogey had a torn bicep going into the match, giving him even less reason to have been involved in the match). It was just stupid, all around, and without any in-ring skills to speak of, the gimmick had no room to evolve or get better. It didn't, and people eventually stopped caring.
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Columnist/Podcaster/Director at LordsOfPain.net for nearly seven years, with nearly 2000 total columns written. Interviewed and/or involved in interviewing the likes of Tyler Black/Seth Rollins (twice), Diamond Dallas Page, Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, Uhaa Nation and more.