10 Bad-Ass WWE Gimmicks Wasted On Terrible Wrestlers

5. Papa Shango

Papa Shango VoodooWWE.comVoodoo is generally something people are afraid to mess with. In the early-1990s, when wrestling was full of more colorful gimmicks, a voodoo priest that could control arena lighting and cast spells on his opponents would fit right in, but still stand out at the same time. It was a lot darker than the usual gimmick at the time, and that's saying something, considering The Undertaker was on the scene. His limited in-ring skills took away from his matches and what he would be capable of doing, though. His matches all had to be short, but not because he was so dominant that he would beat his opponents so handily. Instead, his matches were short because he couldn't handle them otherwise. If you look at the few Papa Shango matches that went more than five or six minutes, they were a mess. No, not every wrestler needs to be Shawn Michaels or Daniel Bryan, capable of working for 60 minutes without really breaking a sweat. However, people often use a wrestler's size as an excuse for their stamina. The man playing Papa Shango, Charles Wright, is 6'6" and 330 pounds. Not exactly a small man. However, men like the aforementioned Undertaker, Kane, Big Show, Kevin Nash, and so forth have been able to wrestler longer matches without looking like they were going to pass out at any moment. Those men were able to take that ability and use it for a lengthy, successful career, full of World Title reigns. Perhaps this is why Charles Wright was never able to, even when he was The Godfather, and was one of the most over people in all of wrestling for a while.
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Columnist/Podcaster/Director at LordsOfPain.net for nearly seven years, with nearly 2000 total columns written. Interviewed and/or involved in interviewing the likes of Tyler Black/Seth Rollins (twice), Diamond Dallas Page, Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, Uhaa Nation and more.