10 Behind The Scenes Reasons For Wrestling Characters' Quirks

9. The Rock Trying To Make The Undertaker Laugh Leads To The People's Elbow

John Cena Roman Reigns

It had absolutely no right to click in the way it did with the masses. But that's just the power of The Great One.

Your writer is, of course, talking about the most electrifying move in Sports Entertainment and one of the dumbest finishers ever to grace a squared-circle in the form of The People's Elbow.

But The Rock wasn't exactly oblivious to how ridiculous this whole thing was. In fact, the sequence itself was actually forged as little more than a way to make the typically stoic Undertaker crack during a six-person bout.

That's according to current head of WWE creative Triple H, at least, with The Game revealing back in 2020 that Rocky opted to go for the silliest move imaginable as a way to force The Deadman into cracking a smile. But instead of being a one and done, the crowd ultimately loved the audacious elbow drop and Rocky had no choice but to run with it for the rest of his time as an in-ring superstar.

And after all that... 'Taker still didn't so much as smirk at Rocky's ludicrous displays.

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John Cena
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...