10 Beloved Wrestlers With One AWFUL Gimmick

1. Cody Rhodes (Stardust)

Kevin Owens new face of America

Regardless of whether you think he should or shouldn't have walked out of Los Angeles as your new reigning Undisputed WWE Universal Champion (the correct answer is obviously the former), one thing everyone can agree on is that Cody Rhodes is still the most beloved babyface on the WWE roster at this current moment in time.

And to think, the 'American Nightmare' fans are all happily living through at this current moment in time likely wouldn't have ever been a possibility were it not for the son of Dusty's decision to finally turn his back on both his long-time employers and the soul-crushing character he'd been playing from June 2014 onwards.

Ever the professional, Rhodes did what he could with his riff on brother Dustin's all-leather, face-painted gimmick. But something this lazy and derivative was always destined to dwell in the mid-card and Stardust never really stood a chance of being anything more than Goldust's mini me.

Thankfully, Rhodes also sensed this and finally embraced the adrenaline in his soul two years after debuting this doomed persona. And that departure would eventually lead to him both finding himself as a genuine wrestling star and helping kick-start an All Elite revolution elsewhere.

Then, after explicitly requesting for WWE to keep from ever referring to his frustrating days as the star-faced oddity during his shocking return to the sports entertainment machine, what did the one-time AEW EVP do on his first night back? Unleashed a Stardust taunt mid-conquering of 'The Visionary', of course.

Old, awful habits die hard...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...