10 Beloved Wrestlers With One AWFUL Gimmick

2. Kevin Owens (Face Of America)

Kevin Owens new face of America

Ranking as easily one of the most celebrated and popular stars on the WWE roster today, Kevin Owens is the sort of performer who can effortlessly and effectively shift between being a charming anti-hero one minute and the most sadistic human on the planet the next.

Yet, even the mighty 'KO' struggled to produce gold back in 2017 when he was tasked with the job of getting WWE's latest anti-America gimmick over.

Sporting a shaven face and a suit, the then-United States Champion proceeded to spurt out the sort of unoriginal material unleashed by just about every other foreign star ever to rally against the U.S. of A., and appeared to be losing interest in the trite gimmick by the week.

With this jarring change in direction also coming so soon after playing a significant part in arguably the best story the company had told in years alongside Chris Jericho, watching Owens suddenly be dumped into such a generic role on his new home of SmackDown was disappointing to say the least.

And it wasn't that much of surprise to see the entire gimmick being scrapped a few months down the road, with Owens eventually reverting back to his more recognisable and successful state as he opted to pick a fight with the McMahons towards the backend of the year. What a hero.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...