10 Best African American Wrestlers In Wrestling History

7. Tony Atlas

Tony Atlas earned the nick name, "Mr. USA" as he won the weight lifting competition on three different occasions and his success as a power lifter led to his introduction to professional wrestling in the early 1970s. Despite his tremendous power, Tony's friendly nature made him an instant fan favorite when he began wrestling around the United States. Atlas made history when he and his tag partner, Rocky Johnson won the WWE tag team titles, becoming the first black team to win the championships. Atlas' substance problems had caused him to miss a few shows and Atlas dropped the titles shortly afterwards. In many respects, if Atlas could have dealt with his personal problems, he could have quite possibly become a black version of Hulk Hogan. He was getting a major push and was definitely more athletic than Hogan, which isn't to discount Hulk's star power, but more to point out just how much potential Atlas had during his prime. It should also be noted that Atlas was one of the few American wrestlers that protected Bruiser Brody after he was stabbed by the cowardly Jose Gonzalez in Puerto Rico in 1988. Atlas actually carried Brody to the ambulance and rode to the hospital with him. Eventually, Atlas overcame his personal problems and works as a personal trainer. He also continues to appear for the WWE and most recently, he was seen on Legends House.
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Jim Lamotta hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.