10 Best Catchphrases In Wrestling Today

8. "Cero Miedo"

Hangman Page Cowboy Shit

Pentagón Jr. is up there with the best luchadores currently wrestling anywhere on the planet.

He is an exceptional representation of the legacy of the Mexican wrestling style, embodying the striking and flamboyant costuming and the breathtaking in-ring style that matches. On top of this, he and his younger brother Rey Fénix are one of the most exciting tag teams competing today.

Pentagón's catchphrase also reflects his Mexican roots, when he has the better of his opponents he roars out "Cero Miedo." This translates to "Zero Fear," which is a great motto, though in English, it sounds like something that would be scrawled (in an obnoxious graffiti-like font) on an energy drink can. However, in his native tongue Penta makes the phrase affecting, compelling crowds to echo it back.

Wrestling is often accused of lacking culture, so giving an arena the chance to chant in a second language has its appeal. Western wrestling fans often forget the diversity of the figures who have contributed to the contemporary pro-wrestling we love today. Professional wrestling is the product of the effort and collaboration of thousands of years of diverse voices.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.