10 Best Catchphrases In Wrestling Today

7. "D.M.D"

Hangman Page Cowboy Shit

Britt Baker is one of the shining lights of Western pro-wrestling, and easily the best wrestling dentist to ever grace the squared circle (Glenn Jacobs makes a better monster or mayor). If there is something exceptional in AEW's women's division, Baker is usually close by.

While using Britt's dentistry background felt a little bit like an ill-fitting trivia titbit that was spewed out at fans during her every appearance, creative have found a way to successfully integrate it subtly to enhance the depth of her gimmick rather than engulf it. However, this has led to a crossover of both her professional lives with wrestling fanatics booking into Baker's dental practice for exams for the sole purpose of meeting the star.

"D.M.D" has caught on with the fanbase, who chant along as Baker's finger bumps around like a dot on a karaoke screen. A large part of this catching on is Britt's flawless delivery. She refers to her professional suffix as the most epic three letters in wrestling. Though this is debatable, drawing attention to her doctorate and professional accomplishments is a serious power move that her opponents have little to counter with.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.