10 Best Celebrity Involvements At WWE WrestleMania Ever

3. Mr. T

WWE WrestleMania 37 Bad Bunny John Morrison

It’s no secret that Vince McMahon took a ‘go big or go home’ strategy with the very first WrestleMania. There have been countless reports on how he literally bet the company's future on the success of this landmark event. Everyone knows what happened - this piece wouldn’t have been written if it had gone the other way, but some of the success of the inaugural WrestleMania has to go down to its use of celebrity, especially the biggest TV star of the 80s.

Despite appearances from Liberace, Cindi Lauper, and boxing legend Muhammad Ali, it was A-Team superstar Mr. T that made the biggest splash at WrestleMania I with a match made off the back of the MTV special ‘The War To Settle The Score’. As Mr. T interjected himself in the affairs of Hulk Hogan and Roddy Piper, a tag match was made for the main event of this massive event. As the star of the biggest TV show of the moment, and a genuine Hollywood draw from his appearance in Rocky 3, Mr. T was integral to drawing more casual eyes to WrestleMania.

Riding high off the Rock and Wrestling movement and enhanced by the star power of a genuine 80’s action hero, the main event tag match was far from a classic, yet T looked competent against the two biggest heels of the day. Mr. T’s name value alone made this event a must watch and has to be considered the catalyst for getting the top stars of the day to WrestleMania. Mr. T became the first celeb to appear twice at the event - again against Piper in a boxing match at WrestleMania 2, complete with a controversial finish.

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Pop culutre addict, movie, TV and huge wrestling fan who steps in the ring - and is still undefeated in singles competition!