10 Best CM Punk WWE Moments

1. The Pipebomb

CM Punk Paul Heyman

This promo still awes fans to this day. On June 27, 2011, CM Punk sat down on the stage, crossed his legs and raised the microphone to his lips. What followed was what many consider the best promo in wrestling history, 'The Pipebomb'. It was simple, yet effective, this was just a disgruntled employee airing his grievances with his workplace, a notion that would resonate with most.

For 6 minutes, Punk didn't just break the fourth wall, he demolished it and then rebuilt it in his own image. Listing off as many misgivings he had with the company as he could before he was cut off. Nobody was safe, Cena, Rock, Stephanie McMahon and Triple H were all on his list. Punk even waved to the camera as he announced that just as fellow Paul Heyman man Brock Lesnar did, he was walking out of the company the second his contract was up following the upcoming Money In The Bank Pay-Per-View. Namedropping many company rivals, saying he would take the WWE Title and defend it in Ring of Honour and New Japan, as well as spouting the famous "Hey Colt Cabana!" The man even claimed he thought the company would be better off once Vince McMahon was dead! Oh boy, to be a fly on the wall when Vince heard that statement.

Those 6 short minutes not only kicked off a renaissance of sorts in Punk's career, but also changed the future of WWE forever. Nobody can deny that this was CM Punk's greatest moment ever.

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Just an Australian wrestling fan who grew up admiring the sport that we all know and love. All round wrestling fanatic, wouldn’t mind if you just sat down and listened to his humble opinions on the wrestling world.