10 Best CM Punk WWE Moments

8. Two Time Money In The Bank Winner

CM Punk Paul Heyman

For a second year, Cm Punk was walking into WrestleMania as a participant in the Money In The Bank Ladder Match. Punk's win last year had already been a shock, yet nobody could have expected what happened next.

For the first and only time in history, Punk climbed the ladder and won the briefcase for a second time. Two years in a row! Unprecedented is one word that comes to mind when describing this moment. Fans rejoiced as it appeared the company had realised their mistake in the way they ended Punk's previous World Title reign, attempting to make up for it by doing a re-run.

And make up for it they did, as this run with the briefcase resulted in Punk's cash in on Jeff Hardy, kicking off the amazing feud that we discussed earlier. But it is this moment that you see in the above picture, that will live on in WWE's history, no matter how much they want to deny the man's accomplishments.

It was groundbreaking, never had been done before and never to be done again. With the match's whole premise being to kick start rising star's careers, not hand the briefcase to already well established stars, *Cough* John Cena *Cough* it is likely that Punk will forever remain the only 2-time Mr Money In The Bank.

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CM Punk
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Just an Australian wrestling fan who grew up admiring the sport that we all know and love. All round wrestling fanatic, wouldn’t mind if you just sat down and listened to his humble opinions on the wrestling world.