10 Best CM Punk WWE Moments

7. Mocking Paul Bearer

CM Punk Paul Heyman

While this is by far the most insensitive moment on this list, you cannot deny that his WrestleMania 29 program with The Undertaker produced some of Punk's best heel work.

Already crashing the memorial dedicated to the late, great Paul Bearer and committing the heinous act of stealing Undertaker's treasured urn, which in storyline, contained Bearer's ashes. A few weeks later, Punk took it a step further. The 'Deadman' had taken to the ring, demanding Punk's presence, instead the lights cut and ominous music played, as a set of druids slowly walked out and took their place, lining the ramp. Suddenly, Bearer's famous 'Ohhhh Yesssss' blared through the speakers and Paul Heyman emerged holding the urn, dressed as the dead manager. 'Taker looked livid as he marched up the stage towards Heyman.

Punk took advantage and was revealed as one of the druids, making an attack from behind, pounding the 'Phenom' over and over with the urn. What followed became an iconic visual. Opening up the urn and proceeding to pour Undertaker's former mentor's ashes all over his broken body, Punk screamed maniacally as he threw the ashes in 'Taker's face. Boos rained down from one half of the audience, while traditionally, the other half chanted in favour of Punk, despite the horrific act he was committing.

With a face turn coming just months later, this was the last great heel moment for Punk in WWE. Boy oh boy did he certainly go out on a bang.

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CM Punk
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Just an Australian wrestling fan who grew up admiring the sport that we all know and love. All round wrestling fanatic, wouldn’t mind if you just sat down and listened to his humble opinions on the wrestling world.