10 Best Contenders For The Undertaker At WrestleMania 33

7. Kane

Undertaker Entrance

For years touted as the man who might just break the streak, there are few more bittersweet possibilities that the Devil's favourite Demon ending 'Taker's career – and possibly his own. The Brothers of Destruction are iconic and whilst Kane has never come close to the popularity of his big brother, few would argue he has earned a spot by his side when the end comes.

With Undertaker returning on the 900th episode of SmackDown, it would imply this is the likely pool of talent his opponent will come from. Kane has dipped in and out of feuds as of late and he likely does not have much longer left as an on screen talent himself. It may not be everyone’s number one choice, but a final match between the two powerhouses - resulting in a double retirement - would be a fitting end to two intertwined careers.


Joe Cuffaro is a Sports Journalist and x6 time Staffs University Hardcore Champion. He is a WWE and Newcastle United enthusiast, which explains why most of his views are pessimistic.