10 Best Contenders For The Undertaker At WrestleMania 33

6. Chris Jericho

Undertaker Entrance

Drink it in mannnn. There is no denying, Chris Jericho has been on fire this year and would make the perfect candidate given his momentum. Like Undertaker, he has achieved almost everything there is to achieve in a wrestling ring. But there remains two omissions from the all-time career List of Jericho: winning a Royal Rumble and facing the Phenom at WrestleMania. Y2J has come close to Rumble glory in the past, losing out to Shemaus in the final two of 2012, but after the 2016 he has just had there must be a big spot for him planned at the granddaddy of them all.

It’s tough to accept, but Jericho seems the type to go out on a high sooner rather than later. His resurgence this year will likely not be topped so a double retirement angle would not be out of the question. As devastating as that seems for the sake of Raw, it would be an emotional and legendary finish guaranteed.


Joe Cuffaro is a Sports Journalist and x6 time Staffs University Hardcore Champion. He is a WWE and Newcastle United enthusiast, which explains why most of his views are pessimistic.