10 Best Current WWE Finishers
7. Phenomenal Forearm - AJ Styles

Since rocking up in WWE two years ago, AJ Styles hasn't brought out the Styles Clash enough for some fans' taste (although given how badly it almost went for James Ellsworth a while back, perhaps that's not such a bad thing after all).
The Phenomenal Forearm, however, has proved an able deputy. It's not quite as impactful as AJ's other signature move, but it requires less obvious cooperation on the part of his opponent, and can be performed on wrestlers of all shapes and sizes.
Apart from all of that, it's also incredibly fun. The former TNA star is one of few wrestlers in today's WWE who can actually get the crowd to stand to attention in the middle of a match; when he pulls off his glove on the apron, it's evocative of The Rock setting up for The People's Elbow.
Obviously, it doesn't have the same "out of nowhere" quality as moves like the RKO and the Curb Stomp, but it's no less believable as a result. If you turn around suddenly and see someone flying towards you, at full speed with an outstretched elbow, there's not a lot you can do about it.