10 Best Current WWE Finishers
5. 054 - Mustafa Ali

If this list was compiled a couple of months ago, Neville's Red Arrow - one of the most spectacular and jaw-dropping aerial manoeuvres ever seen in a WWE ring - would almost certainly have been right at the very top of it.
Unfortunately, thanks to an ongoing dispute ,The Man That Gravity Forgot can no longer really be counted among current WWE wrestlers - but, in his absence, there's always Mustafa Ali's incredible 054 instead.
Essentially an inverted 450 Splash, this move mirrors the Red Arrow in that there's always a sharp intake of breath among the crowd when Ali first leaves the turnbuckle. For us mere mortals, it seems impossible to imagine how he will safely land without breaking his neck.
Thankfully, he never messes it up, which means the only travesty here is the fact that so few fans watch him do it thanks to 205 Live's dismal viewership and attendance figures. That just doesn't seem fair at all.