10 Best Current WWE Finishers
4. Coup De Grâce - Finn Balor

Finn Balor's finishing move is an odd combination of something that seems remarkably straight-forward to replicate at home* (provided you have a friend prepared to let you jump on them) and yet incredibly impressive at the same time.
Just when you think the Irishman is going to ease up and spread his feet apart, he squeezes them even closer together and rams them into his opponent's chest at full pelt. Technically speaking, it's nothing all that convoluted, but it looks like it absolutely kills.
The deceptively-named Coup de Grâce also has the advantage of being suitable to be performed on just about any adversary. It doesn't rely on Finn being able to pick his ring partners up (which is handy, given how slight he is compared to half the roster) - he just has to get them down on the mat.
The Demon King's unexpected demotion down the Monday Night Raw pecking order over recent months has led some to doubt his credentials as a top-level star - but no-one can ever call into question his signature move. It's one of the very best around, and unlike anything the mainstream world has rarely ever seen (with apologies to Low Ki).
*Please don't try this.