10 Best Current WWE Finishers

2. RKO - Randy Orton

Finn Balor Coup de Grace Roman Reigns

The RKO (especially when called by a frightful Michael Cole) is perhaps the wrestling move that has done more for internet memes than any other - but that's only half the reason Randy Orton's finisher ranks so highly on this list.

Above all, it's the spontaneity of the manoeuvre that makes it so thrilling. Apart from when Orton precedes it by repeatedly thumping his fists into the mat like an sleep-deprived toddler, you almost never know when he's going to strike.

It's also incredibly versatile too. There doesn't seem to be a wrestling move in existence that The Viper can't in one way or another reverse into the RKO, arguably the best example of which coming at WrestleMania 31 when he countered an attempted Curb Stomp by Seth Rollins in mid-air to audible gasps from the assembled audience.

The only downside is that it's probably not great for Orton's famously troublesome back and shoulders for him to be landing on them at fairly considerable speed over and over again. Like Triple H and the Pedigree, what looks great for us isn't necessarily great for the athlete.

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Finn Balor
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