10 Best Current WWE Finishers

3. Curb Stomp - Seth Rollins

Finn Balor Coup de Grace Roman Reigns

For a while, it looked like Seth Rollins' Curb Stomp had been banned from use in WWE, owing to fears that younger viewers might be tempted to try and replicate the move on the playground (which would obviously be pretty bad).

But fans (and Jason Jordan) were left slack-jawed this week when The Architect pulled it out in a match with Finn Bálor, signalling that it is well and truly back, and - if the Shield founder's subsequent Tweet is anything to go by - very much here to stay.

It's pretty obvious what the Curb Stomp has going for it. Not only is it a rare example of a WWE move that looks dangerous and authentic - getting your face rammed into the mat isn't a picnic - it can also be executed out of the blue, making matches in which it features all the more exciting.

For a guy whose character has faced accusation of staleness since turning face a couple of years ago, this is exactly what Rollins needs to reignite some of the fire seems to have lost. The Pedigree is fine and all, but it was always Triple H's move - this one is all Seth's (with apologies to Super Dragon).

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Finn Balor
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