10 Best Decisions That WCW Ever Made

2. Giving The Cruiserweights A Home


At a time when WCW was trying to be as different as possible, they found that the biggest thing missing from the WWE product was actually rather small. While the WWE was looking for the biggest talent possible in a very literal sense, WCW began to take interest in guys like Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero and Ultimo Dragon. These wrestlers all measured well under the "You Must Be This Tall To Be World Champion" sign but were also some of the greatest pieces of pure talent ever seen.

WCW branded light talent as cruiserweights, and devoted large chunks of television and PPV time to them. You may have come to WCW for names like Hogan and Savage, but you stayed for the cruiserweights. Although not all would reach the heights they should have within the company, it was nevertheless a wonderful showcase for a neglected class of workers, opening the door of mainstream success for the likes of


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